I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management at Goethe University Frankfurt.
My research interests lie in behavioral and experimental economics, with a focus on the interplay between cognitive biases and individual decision making.
Curriculum Vitae (Updated November 2024)
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4
Goethe University Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main, 60323
Teaching (Wintersemester 2024/25)
Fundamentals of Microeconomics (FMIC)
The Economics of Social Media (ECSM)
Work in Progress
Discrimination and Memory
(with Huen Tat Au-Yeung)
Abstract (click to expand): Recent research suggests that discrimination is largely driven by incorrect beliefs. However, it remains unclear why discrimination persists even in the presence of feedback. This paper focuses on the role of memory, which has drawn increasing attention in the expectation formation literature. We recruit participants to grade a quiz in a gender-stereotyped domain and experimentally hide the grading records for some participants to study how this affects their recall and subsequent beliefs. Pilot results show discrimination persists only when the grading records are hidden, i.e., when participants need to rely on their memory, which seems to be driven by asymmetric recall bias.
Communication and the Emergence of Distinct Organizational Trust Cultures
(with Ferdinand von Siemens)